Pocket Card Jockey Wikia

Heyo! Just wanted to introduce myself here on the wiki. Not sure if anyone's noticed me doing a lot lately here these last few days, but I wanted to announce that I'll be here contributing on the wiki!

These past few months I've become comepletly enthralled with this game and it hurt to see no complete English wiki existed..! I went upon myself to try and document this game to the best of my ability to help out here and I'm finally filling in the empty spaces here as a result. It's been fun so far and hopefully I'm doing everything right..!

I've noticed the admin here last edited about two years ago..? Which is a huge bummer. I'm not sure if they're online anymore but if they aren't, I'm currently trying to adopt this wiki so I can give it an overhaul. I have a lot of ideas in mind for this wiki and having burucrat and admin rights will help me set forth a lot of cool stuff I have planned!

Along with this, I'm not sure if anyone else who contributed to this wiki as well is online anymore either. If you happen to be, however, please don't hesistate to help me if you have any info I'm missing! At the moment I'm working mainly on documenting the characters of this game and any text/dialogue you've gotten in-game would be an amazing adddtion to what I already have. I'm looking for cutscene dialogues in particular.

This is my current status on cutscene dialogues... (Specifically the Mature Mode G1 cutscenes)

- Blingman, incomplete, haven't gotten any cutscenes

- Priscilla, complete, however I'm missing her second cutscene due to my own error

- Truman, incomplete, I have about three if I'm correct recorded

- Richie, complete, writing in the dialogue of all his cutscenes over the next couple of days

- Ozimof, complete, I think i have all of his recorded and I just need to create a page and write all the dialogue here

That's about it from me for now..! Once I'm done with character stuff (which will take a while) I'll move onto gameplay mechanics. I've started taking pictures of rival horses stats just to prepare for the page where I document each rival horse in the game, so if anyone could send in the pre-race screens with any rival horses, those will be a big help in the future!


- goopy