A complete dialogue write up for every cutscene Richie has in-game. Read all cutscenes here.
Mature Mode Cutscenes[]
Why Did You Become a Horse Owner?[]
Richie: YEAH, MAN! That was tight, (Player Name)!
Protagonist: BOOYA!
Richie: You really showed them! That was awesome! Super grand!
Protagonist: Richie, can I ask you something? Why did you become a horse owner?
Richie: Huh? Why? Uh, let me think... It's because...
I've forgotten why.
Protagonist: Oh.
Richie: Well it's me. I'm guessing there wasn't a real reason.
Protagonist: Why do you say so?
Richie: 'Cause I don't look back in the past. As long as I have fun now, it all goes.
And it's fun to watch my horse win. Like, super grand.
Protagonist: I see.
Richie: Well, I'm gonna get going! See you in the next race!
Protagonist: Yeah!
Why Did You Become A Horse Owner? Continued[]
Richie: AWESOME! That was tight, (Player Name)!
Protagonist: YEAH!
Richie: (Player Name), you asked me why I became a horse owner the last time we met. Do you remember?
Protagonist: Yeah, I do.
Richie: Well, I tried to thank back about the reason I started.
Protagonist: And?
Richie: I think I started owning horses because I wanted some sort of celebrity pastime.
Protagonist: Celebrity pastime...?
Richie: You know how oil tycoons and bigshots become horse owners?
Protagonist: Yeah, they do.
Richie: I guess I wanted to do the same. Thought it would be cool if I owned a horse too.
Protagonist: I see.
Richie: So anyway, I tried... And man, it was hard at first!
Protagonist: Really? How so?
Richie: Yeah. Like at the Auction, I'd buy a horse I'd liked.
Then the other horse owners would laugh at me.
Protagonist: ...Why?
Richie: They'd say stuff like, "A Thoroughbred like that? I doubt it can run."
Protagonist: That's rude.
Richie: Yeah, I got mad. So I told them they could eat their stupid Papers. Because I'd trust my own eye.
Protagonist: Wow, that's gutsy of you!
Richie: ...Well, they were right.
Protagonist: Oh... So the horse didn't perform...
Richie: No. Well, after that, I studied a bit.
Learned from my mistakes. And now, I've got a strong horse like (Current Player Horse's Name).
Kudos to you too, (Player Name), I'm glad you're my jockey!
Protagonist: Thanks!
Richie: Anyway, I still remember that anger I felt at the time.
So to this day, I still don't buy the expensive pedigrees.
Protagonist: Sticking to your guns?
Richie: Something like that.
So, my horses may not be bred the way people deem best, but...
I'm leaving them to you, man. Hope you make me proud!
Protagonist: Leave it to me!
Why Not Buy Better Horses?[]
Richie: YEAH! Nice run, (Player Name)!
Protagonist: Owned it!
Richie: You're giving me a good reputation as an owner!
Protagonist: By the way, Richie.
If you want a celebrity pastime, wouldn't you want to buy a horse with a better pedigree?
Richie: Hmm? Hmm, well... I don't like the idea.
Protagonist: How come?
Richie: It's like...
"If you're of good blood, you're better than everyone else!"
That kind of thinking?
It don't sit right with me. Makes me want to say, "Who do you think you are!?"
Protagonist: Uh, doesn't that mean you hate celebrities?
Richie: Uh... I don't hate them.
It's just when they brag about parties and stuff, I think, pfff, big deal, what idiots...
Protagonist: I think that means you DO hate them.
Richie: Well... I can't say much. I mean, my grandpa IS someone like that.
Protagonist: Oh! Your grandfather is...
Richie: Yeah, he lives like a king.
He's got famous politicians coming to pay their respects to him and all that.
Protagonist: Oh wow...
So you don't get along with him much...?
Richie: Don't get me wrong, I love the old man. Cant hold a candle to him.
But, I'll just say... I just don't fit in. Not in that place.
Protagonist: I see...
Richie: Yeah. So I'm a bit of the black sheep in the family. Like I don't belong.
So I decided I'd show them. I'd find my own way to earn. That's why I'm a horse owner.
Protagonist: I see.
Richie: So, I'd really appreciate it if you win the G1 races like today!
I'm counting on you buddy!
Protagonist: Rodger that!
Proving Himself to Family[]
Richie: YEAH! That was awesome, (Player Name)!
Protagonist: High five!
Richie: I had high hopes on this race, and you didn't disappoint!
Protagonist: Yeah!
Richie: (Current Player Horse's Name) is growing to be a good horse that meets the expectations of everyone.
Reminds me of that time when people had high hopes for me.
Protagonist: Really?
Richie: Yeah. I know I don't look it, but I have a Pedigree too.
Protagonist: P-Pedigree...?
Richie: You know how in the racing world, the foal of a mare and stallion of good heritage is called a pedigree horse?
Protagonist: Oh, yeah.
Richie: Same with me. My pops and ma come from pretty well-respected families.
Protagonist: I-I see.
Richie: But just like a racing horse, that doesn't mean you'll turn out well like your parents.
When I was small, they gave me lots of tutors, and tried grooming me right.
But that didn't do anything. Didn't get my grades up earlier.
Protagonist: Sounds like a lot of pressure.
Richie: Well, I didn't mind. So I went on with my life.
But things started to change when my kid brother got older.
Protagonist: You have a little brother?
Richie: Yeah.
And he turned out to be everything they hoped he'd be. A real thoroughbred.
Protagonist: Oh...
Richie: Yeah. He tutored me when I was ten. He was only eight. True story.
Protagonist: That's, uh, incredible. Both ways.
Richie: So my pops gets real happy. Says, "The younger kid turned out OK."
Starting from that point, things began to take a turn.
Protagonist: What happened...?
Richie: Well, to put it bluntly...
They didn't care anymore. I wasn't needed anymore.
Protagonist: That can't be...
Richie: Nah, it's true.
When I was in middle school, the most I did was sit in my room and just hang around.
Protagonist: *Sniff*...
Richie: Hey, ha ha! Come on, it's all right. I don't really care.
But really, my kid brother. We come from the same Breed, but the difference is amazing.
Protagonist: Same breed...
Richie: Anyway, that's why, if you win big races like this...
It sorta proves to him his big brother's doing something too.
I'm counting on you!
Protagonist: Sure thing!
Being a CEO[]
Richie: YEAH! That was tight, (Player Name)!
Protagonist: I RULE!
Richie: Thanks! Really, I mean it.
Protagonist: Richie, about that talk we had the last time...
Richie: Hmm?
Protagonist: If I remember correctly, you're the CEO of a company. right?
Richie: Kinda.
Protagonist: Well, I thought you didn't need to be a horse owner to prove yourself, if you had that job.
Richie: Umm... You see, my position is the CEO, but...
It's just a title, really.
Protagonist: What do you mean?
Richie: The company's owned by my grandpa, in truth.
It's just that he put my name on the papers as CEO.
Protagonist: Wow. So you don't need to do work? I envy you...
Richie: Envy me, huh...
Well, it's not as fun as you'd imagine it to be...
Protagonist: Why?
Richie: Even if I go to the company, there's nothing for me to do.
Protagonist: Even if you're the CEO?
Richie: Yeah, the other important peeps run the company.
Protagonist: Important people...?
Richie: The executives, the managers...
Protagonist: I thought the CEO is the top...
Richie: Like I told you, I'm just a name!
I don't really get to do anything, essentially.
Protagonist: Okay...
Richie: Grandpa's the only guy in the family who takes me seriously.
I think he made me CEO just because he was worried I was simply hanging around.
Protagonist: Mm-hmm.
Richie: So, I thought I wouldn't let him down. Thought I'd make him proud of me.
And I went to work immediately.
Protagonist: Awesome!
Richie: It's a logistics company. So I thought I'd help them move some stuff.
But when I get there, all these people start holding meetings.
Protagonist: Uh-huh.
Richie: And...it wasn't about moving things. I didn't have a clue what they were talking about.
All the technical jargon, talking about profit and cost and numbers and all that.
Protagonist: Yeah...
Richie: So I sat there, not knowing what in the world I'm doing. I just listened.
And then sometimes, someone would say, "Is that all right, boss?" and look my way.
Protagonist: It's your big chance!
Richie: Chance? What chance? I was completely clueless.
So I just said, "That's fine."
I sometimes said, "Okay."
And I'd pretend I'd think about it sometimes, but in the end I could only say. "Yes."
Protagonist: ...So easily?
Richie: What else could I do? They're asking me a question.
But then, the questions slowly started to lessen. And then stopped altogether.
Protagonist: ...
Richie: I felt bad, so I'd ask, "Can I help carry some stuff?" Something like that.
But they'd all stop me. "Please, you don't need to!" Real desperate.
Couldn't let me do those tasks.
Protagonist: ...Wow.
Richie: Yeah... Well, I'm still the CEO of the company.
So I still get paid a pretty good salary.
Protagonist: I think I envy you after all...
Richie: I don't really use much cash. So I thought to find an interesting way to use it.
So, BOOM! Horse owner.
Protagonist: I see.
Richie: At first...they all thought it was just an easy hobby.
But thanks to you, (Player Name), because you've been winning, they see it differently now.
Protagonist: Really!?
Richie: Yeah. The other day, my pops actually walked up to me and said, "Congratulations."
Protagonist: I'm so happy for you!
Richie: Yeah. Thanks.
So... Keep up the good work, buddy!
Protagonist: Definitely!
Loss Cutscenes[]
First Loss[]
Richie: Hey, (Player Name).
(Current Horse's Name) is an amazing horse. Meant for the bigger races, that one. I can't have you losing.
Protagonist: Sorry.
Richie: Come on buddy! You gotta do better!
Second Loss[]
Richie: Oi, (Player Name).
Protagonist: Y-yes...?
Richie: (Current Horse's Name) lost twice in a row.
Protagonist: Uh...
Richie: WHAT!?
Protagonist: Er...
Richie: I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!
Protagonist: ...Sorry.
Richie: You think sorry makes everything all right!?
Protagonist: I'm really sorry.
Richie: UGH! It's your last chance next. Got it?
Protagonist: Y-Yeah, got it!
Third Loss[]
Richie: (Player Name), dude.
Protagonist: Yes...
Richie: (Current Horse's Name)? Losing three times in a row? No way.
Protagonist: Sorry.
Richie: I have high hopes for that horse.
Protagonist: I'm sure you do...
Richie: Which is why I'm going to find a different jockey. You're off the job.
Protagonist: Ow.