Pocket Card Jockey Wikia

A complete dialogue write up for Priscilla's cutscenes in-game. Read all cutscenes here.

Mature Mode Cutscenes[]

Why Did You Become a Horse Owner?[]

Priscilla: *SQUEE* Thanks so much, (Player Name)!

Protagonist: I won it!

Priscilla: Oh, I feel so happy now. My horse won!

Protagonist: Miss Sunbuddy, can I ask you why you became a horse owner?

Priscilla: Hmm? Because it's good PR! I'm a celebrity horse owner!

Loss Cutscenes[]

First Loss[]

Priscilla: (Player Name)!!

I can't believe (Current Horse's Name) just lost!! How is that possible!?

Protagonist: Sorry...

Priscilla: You have to win the next time! Okay!?

Second Loss[]

Priscilla: Hey. You.

Protagonist: Yes...?

Priscilla: That's funny.

Protagonist: Uh, what is? Did I make a joke?

Priscilla: I didn't mean that kind of funny! Are you stupid!? STUPID!

I'm saying it's funny (Current Horse's Name) would lose 2 times in a row! Get it!?

Protagonist: S-Sorry!!

Priscilla: Win it the next time, or you're fired!

Protagonist: Y-Yes, Ma'am!

Third Loss[]

Priscilla: (Player Name).

Protagonist: Yes.

Priscilla: (Current Horse's Name) lost 3 times in a row.

Protagonist: Sorry...

Priscilla: What were you thinking!?

Protagonist: I'm really sorry.

Priscilla: I'm finding (Current Horse's Name) a better jockey! Good-bye!