Pocket Card Jockey Wikia

Jimmy Jones is one of the jockeys you meet in the course of the game, as a part of the side story that occurs as you win G1 races with your horses.



Jimmy wears a yellow helmet with a brown strap, along with rounded blue goggles sitting atop of the visor of the helmet. He has large, brown curly hair peeking out from underneath his helmet. His jockey silk is yellow and purple, with the sleeves being purple and the chest piece being yellow with six purple spots adorned on the front. He also wears light grey pants along with black jockey race boots.


Upon first meeting JImmy, he has a neutral attitude, and doesn't seem to let things bother him all that much. After progressing through the story, he seems to be a bit hostile at times and crying at others.

In-game Description[]

"A senior jockey one year above (Player Name). He doesn't hold a good record, but often worries and cares about (Player Name), who used to perform even worse. Now that (Player Name) has improved and is winning the races, he is gradually showing signs of insecurity."
